The Organization shall be known as the Association of Program
Administrators for CSTEP and STEP (APACS).
STEP is the acronym for
the NYS-funded Science and Technology Entry Program.
CSTEP is the acronym for the NYS-funded Collegiate Science and Technology
Entry Program.
The purpose of the Organization
is to support, advance and meet the issues of: promoting and advocating
the philosophy of equity, access & excellence in education by
supporting and facilitating research, conferences and other related
activities as are desirable or necessary for fulfilling the other
purposes outlined in this article; enhance and effect recruitment,
retention and graduation of underrepresented minority and economically
disadvantaged students in scientific, technical, and health-related
fields and the licensed professions; facilitate access to programs
of higher education; establish relationships among APACS professionals;
promote and stimulate professional development; encourage data collection
for program evaluation; and support and promote the development
of policies and guidelines governing STEP/CSTEP programs.
Section 1- Membership
and Term of Membership
A) Membership
shall be open to all full and part-time professionals and/or staff
associated directly with the STEP/CSTEP programs. All programs
that are current members in good standing (i.e. annual dues paid
in full) are eligible to vote in APACS elections and meetings. The
Organization shall offer special non-voting Membership to parents,
students, corporations, schools, and other individuals interested
in promoting the purposes of APACS.
B) The membership year
shall be January 1 to December 31; payment of dues shall be due
by April 15th.
Section 2 - Categories
of Membership and Dues
Membership will be classified
into three categories with the corresponding dues:
- Associate No fee
- Institutional A $ 125.00
- Institutional B $ 250.00
Associate members will consist of parents, students,
corporations, schools, and other individuals interested in promoting
the purposes of APACS.
A Membership: Institutions with separate STEP or, CSTEP
programs are eligible for Institutional A membership. Each STEP
and CSTEP program in this category has one vote.
B Membership: Institutions with a linked STEP/CSTEP program
are eligible for Institutional B Membership. Linked STEP/CSTEP programs
will have one vote per STEP and one vote per CSTEP program.
ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS OF STEP/ CSTEP Organization of Professional
Section 1 - Officers
and the Executive Committee
A) The function of the
Officers of the Organization shall be to manage, supervise, and
control the business, property, and affairs of APACS. The Officers
of APACS are the members of the Executive Committee (Article IV,
Section l.B) and the Committee Chairs.
B) The Executive Committee
will consist of the following officers of APACS:
1 President 1 Executive
Vice President
1 Vice-President for Technology 1 Vice President for Communication
1 Vice-President for APACS Initiatives
1 Secretary 1 Treasurer
8 Regional Representatives
C) Nominations and Elections
of Officers
The Nominations Committee
shall conduct the process of nominating and electing officers of
the APACS. The Nominations Committee shall call for nominations
of officers at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
In addition, the Nominations Committee will accept nominations from
the floor at the Annual Meeting upon issuing its report. The election
of officers shall be by written ballot.
Section 2 - Duties of Officers
A) President
The President shall be
elected from the membership of APACS, and shall be responsible for:
1) Presiding at all meetings
of the members of the Organization and the Executive Committee;
and shall have other powers and duties as may be determined by the
Executive Committee.
2) He/She shall submit an annual and fiscal report to the membership
no later than 30 days after the end of the fiscal year.
3) The President shall
function as the primary spokesperson for the organization.
4) Shall be an ex-officio
member of all committees.
B) Executive Vice-President
The Vice-President shall
be elected from among the membership of the Organization. The Vice-President
shall perform all duties as Parliamentarian. In the absence or disability
of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties
of the President and in so acting shall have all the powers of the
President. The Vice-President shall have such powers and perform
other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive
C) Vice-President for
The Vice-President for
Technology shall perform duties dealing with APACS projects involving
technology promote and stimulate professional development; encourage
data collection for program evaluation; and support and promote
the development of policies and guidelines governing STEP/CSTEP
D) Vice-President for Communication
The Vice-President for
Communication shall perform duties dealing with official communications
pertaining to APACS. The Vice-President will be responsible for
developing and creating communication structures for disseminating
the organization’s initiatives.
E) Vice-President for APACS Initiatives
The Vice-President for
APACS Initiatives shall perform duties outlined by the President,
Executive Committee, and APACS membership pertaining to special
projects the organization is developing and implementing.
C) Secretary
The Secretary shall be
elected from among the membership of the Organization. The Secretary
will conduct all necessary correspondence; he/she (or their designee)
shall take minutes of all meetings and shall maintain all records
of the Organization; and shall discharge other such duties of the
office as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
D) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be
elected from among the membership of the Organization. The Treasurer
shall receive and safely keep all funds of the APACS and deposit
them in the bank accounts that are designated by the Executive Committee.
1) Funds shall be paid
out only on checks of the corporation (APACS) signed by the President,
Executive Vice-President, and Treasurer.
2) The Treasurer shall
keep accurate financial records and appropriate records of such
receipts and disbursements. He/She shall be ready whenever required
to turn over to the Executive Committee, all monies, accounts, record
books, vouchers, and other records pertaining to the office of Treasurer,
and shall turn the same over to her/his elected successor.
E) Regional Representatives
There shall be four (4) regional representatives. Two of the representatives
will be elected from the Upstate Region; and two of the representatives
will be elected from the Downstate Region. The regional representatives
act as liaisons between the regional membership and the Executive
Committee, as well as being responsible for promoting the business
of APACS in their respective regions.
The geographic area of
the Upstate Region is as follows: Central New York, Finger Lakes,
Mohawk Valley, North Country, Southern Tier, Western New York, and
the Capital District.
The geographic area of
the Downstate Region is as follows: Long Island, New York City,
Westchester and Rockland.
F) Committee Chairs
Standing committee chairs
shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. Committee chairs
are responsible for notifying members of meeting time, date, and
location as well as agenda items. Committee chairs are authorized
to call committee meetings to order, conduct committee business,
and provide quarterly reports of business transactions of the committee
to the Executive Committee.
Section 3 - Duties of
the Executive Committee
A) The Executive Committee
shall meet at least three times each year -- winter, spring, and
fall -- at times and locations to be determined by the Committee.
B) The spring conference
meeting shall be designated as the Annual Meeting of the Organization.
The Executive Committee is responsible for setting the date, location,
and agenda of the annual meeting of the Organization. An annual
budget for the Organization shall be adopted by the Executive Committee
at that meeting.
C) Special meetings of
the Executive Committee may be called at the direction of the President
of the Organization or by a majority vote or petition, of the Executive
D) Notice of the time,
day, and place of any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be
given at least 21 days previous thereto by notice sent by mail or
FAX to each member of the Committee at his or her address as shown
by the records of APACS.
E) The Executive Committee
shall be responsible for:
1) conducting the business
of the APACS in the interim period between meetings of the general
2) reviewing the fiscal policies and initiating an annual audit
of the financial affairs of the corporation to be undertaken by
a certified public accountant.
3) responsibly transferring
pertinent information and all records to the incoming Executive
Committee officers
4) filing appropriate
tax forms annually to New York State and the IRS.
Section 4 - Terms of
Office and Vacancies
A) The Executive Committee
and Committee Chairs shall serve for a two year term. Terms of office
for the Executive Committee Officers will be staggered. The President
and Treasurer will be elected on odd years; Vice President and Secretary
will be elected on even years. For 1997, the Vice President and
Secretary will take one-year appointments.
B) Should the President
vacate the office, the Vice-President shall accede to the position
and shall fill the unexpired term until the next election.
C) Should there be any
other office vacated, an interim officer shall be appointed and
ratified by the executive committee until the next annual meeting.
Each Committee should
be a standing committee and have representation from each region.
The following are the standing committees of the Organization:
Section 1 - Bylaws Committee -- This committee
shall have the responsibility for reviewing bylaws periodically
and recommending changes in accordance with procedures outlined
in Article VIll.
Section 2 - Membership Committee -- This committee
shall establish the guidelines for membership eligibility and actively
recruit and promote membership in the Organization.
Section 3 - Nominations Committee -- This committee
is responsible for submitting a slate of candidates for officers
and the Executive Committee in accordance with procedures outlined
in Article VI.
Section 4 - Professional Development Committee
-- This committee shall plan and coordinate activities and workshops
to promote the professional development of all STEP/CSTEP personnel,
including counselors, academic support staff, and administrators.
Section 5 - Student Development Committee -- This
committee shall promote and stimulate student professional development
through research, conferences and other activities.
Section 6 - Conference Committee -- This committee
shall plan and implement the annual conference of the Professional
Organization. The Conference Committee shall submit to the Executive
Committee for approval a comprehensive plan and proposed budget
for the annual conference. Within sixty (60) days of the conclusion
of the annual conference, the Conference Committee shall submit
to the Executive Committee for approval a complete report of Conference
Committee activities, receipts, and expenditures.
Section 7 - Finance Committee -- This committee
shall prepare the annual budget and present it for approval to the
Executive Committee and the Professional Organization respectively.
The Finance Committee shall review the work of the Treasurer in
order to assure fiscal accountability. The Finance Committee shall
make recommendations to assure the fiscal integrity of the Professional
Organization and may from time to time propose amendments to the
budget for the current fiscal year, which may be adopted by a majority
vote of the Executive Committee.
8 - Advocacy Committee -- This committee shall plan and
coordinate advocacy activities concerning STEP and CSTEP programs
in New York State.
9- Communications, Publications and Technology Committee
-- This committee shall be charged with maintaining both external
and internal communications. For external communications, the committee
shall produce periodic news releases and create and maintain a homepage
on the Internet. For internal communications, the committee shall
print and distribute a bi-annual newsletter, and maintain an e-mail/Internet
Section 1 - Annual Meeting
The Annual
Meeting of the membership shall be held at such time and place as
determined by the Executive Committee for the purpose of electing
Officers, electing Regional Representivitives, conducting a conference
and transacting other Organization business. The agenda for the
Annual Meeting must include an annual report, financial report,
and other reports as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Section 2 - Executive
Committee Meetings
Meetings of the Executive
Committee shall be called by the President. Other meetings may be
called by petition of any three (3) members of the Executive Committee.
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least three
(3) times during the year.
Section 3 - Regional
Meetings of the region
shall be held at least once in the fall and once in the spring of
each year. A regional meeting may be called by petition of any three
(3) program members within the region. The regional meeting shall
serve to nominate and elect representatives.
Section 4 - Quorum
At all meetings of the
Professional Organization a quorum shall be present in order to
hold an official meeting. Two-thirds of all Program Members shall
constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting and all general meetings,
and one-half of all Executive Committee members shall constitute
a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee. Each Region
of APACS shall be empowered to determine the quorum necessary to
transact business at their Regional Meetings.
Section 5 - Voting Rights
at Annual Meeting
All programs
that are current members in good standings (i.e. annual dues paid
in full) are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. Each member
STEP and CSTEP program will have one vote. Associate members are
non-voting participants.
Section 1 - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the
Organization shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 2 - Annual Budget
The annual budget for
the following year shall be approved by a majority vote of members
present at the Annual Meeting.
Section 3 - Financial
A quarterly financial
report shall be presented to the Executive Committee by the Treasurer
and an annual report to the members, either by mail or at the annual
Section 4 - Expense Reports
When Organization funds
are expended through APACS activities, periodic financial reports
must be submitted to Organization, as determined by the Executive
Section 5 - Sources of
Organizational Funds
Sources of funds shall
consist of, but not be limited to, membership, external grant funding,
conference profit, etc.
Amendments to the Bylaws
shall require a 2/3 majority vote of those present at the Annual
Meeting. All members shall be notified of proposed amendments 30
days prior to the Annual Meeting.
A) The Organization shall
indemnify each member of its Executive Committee, as described in
Article IV hereof, and each of its officers, as described in Article
IV hereof, for the defense of civil or criminal actions or proceedings
as hereinafter provided, and notwithstanding any provisions in these
Bylaws, in a manner and to the extent permitted by applicable law.
B) The Organization shall
indemnify each of its officers, as aforesaid, from and against any
and all judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and reasonable
expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and necessarily incurred
or imposed upon or asserted against him/her or hereby reason of
being or having been such an officer and acting within the scope
of his or her official duties, but only when the determination shall
have been made judicially that he or she acted in good faith for
a purpose which he or she reasonably believed to be in the best
interests of APACS and, in the case of a criminal action or proceeding,
in addition, had no reasonable cause to believe that his or her
conduct was unlawful. All determinations as to the foregoing by
the Executive Committee shall be in reliance upon the advice of
independent legal counsel on questions involved.
C) Every reference herein
to a member of the Executive Committee or officer of the Organization
shall include every officer or former officer thereof. This indemnification
shall apply to all the judgments, fines, amounts in settlement,
and reasonable expenses described above whenever arising, allowable
as above stated. The right of indemnification herein provided shall
be in addition to any and all rights to which any trustee or officer
of the Organization might otherwise be entitled and the provision
hereof shall neither impair nor adversely affect such rights.
Robert's Rules of Order
shall be used to conduct business, except where they are in conflict
with these Bylaws.
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Program Administrators of CSTEP and STEP, Inc.,
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