Membership Forms:
Registration Form
[.pdf file]
Registration Form
- MS Word file]
& CSTEP Statewide SFL Website Invoice Form
& CSTEP Statewide SFL Website Invoice Form
[.doc - MS Word file]
CSTEP and STEP Project Directors:
Annual dues
for the Association of Program Administrators for CSTEP and STEP
(APACS) are now being accepted. Annual dues of the Association are
only $200.00 per program. The work APACS undertakes on behalf of
CSTEP and CSTEP programs and administrators including professional
development, programmatic advancements, and advocacy efforts continues
to add value and voice to the field for STEP and CSTEP professionals
across New York State. APACS was established in 1997 by STEP and
CSTEP professionals to advance equity, access, and excellence in
STEM fields and the licensed professions. Today, this professional
organization remains a vital asset to the development of STEP and
CSTEP Programs and staff.
As part of APAC’s
effort to expand member participation,we urge you to be involved
with APACS this year and participate in the growth and impact of
APACS endeavors. The continued success of APACS is connected to
your active membership. Your dues provide numerous benefits, which
include the following
- Annual
APACS Meeting & Conference held June 11–13,
2014 in Albany, NY.
- Organizing
and coordinating essential advocacy efforts with
elected New York State officials to ensure continued program funding.
- Professional
development workshops during the Statewide STEP and CSTEP
student conferences and Best Practices Conference.
- Enhanced
APACS websites (APACS.org and stepforleaders.org)
to provide resources and keep abreast of statewide developments
affecting STEP & CSTEP.
- Fellowship
funding for scholarly research related to STEP &
- Establishing
a statewide application fee waiver for STEP &
CSTEP students applying to undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Voting privileges
at the APACS Annual Meeting/Conference to make decisions on key
goal is to reach 100% - with membership from ALL STEP and
CSTEP Programs. There is strength in numbers, and your
membership provides APACS with the resources needed to continue
providing the professional development and visibility that our programs
The deadline
for 2014 membership dues is Wednesday,
April 30,2014. Make checks payable to APACS,
Inc. and mail to the address on the Annual Dues Form. **
The completed form must accompany your institutional check.
Thank you for
continuing to support APACS, your professional association.
Shanna Crump-Owens, Membership Committee Co-Chair
Francesca Berrouët, Membership Committee Co-Chair
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Association for
Program Administrators of CSTEP and STEP, Inc.,
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