for Pre-Law Students
- Law School Numbers
Law School Numbers is a free, publicly accessible database
of user-supplied law school applicant information with the
intent of helping other applicants judge their chances in
the upcoming Law School admissions cycle.
- Law School Admission Council
LSAC is a nonprofit corporation whose members are more than
200 law schools in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
It was founded in 1947 to coordinate, facilitate, and enhance
the law school admission process. The organization also
provides programs and services related to legal education.
- Wagner Career Fair
The NYU Wagner Career Fair will bring together representatives
of nonprofit organizations; federal, state, and local government
agencies; hospitals and health organizations; urban planning
agencies; international organizations; and private sector
companies that have a public sector component for informal
meetings with Wagner students and alumni. The Career Fair
is a great opportunity to practice interviewing skills,
network, and make personal contacts with agencies that can
turn into job offers down the road
- 2008 Public Interest Legal Career Fair
The Public Interest Law Center (PILC) at New York University
School of Law holds an annual Public Interest Legal Career
Fair. It is known as the nation's largest public interest
legal career fair.
The Fair gives employers the opportunity to meet with students
and allows students to interview with employers for internships
and permanent jobs, as well as to talk with employers at
information tables. Last year, more than 1,700 law students
and representatives from 189 organizations attended the
- ForPeopleofColor.org
Empowering people of color to enter law school and become
lawyers. Sign up and receive access to a guide for the law
school application process
- Albany Law School Open House:
For more information, please call the Admissions Office
at 518-445-2326 or e-mail admissions@albanylaw.edu.
- American Bar Association:
Various internship opportunities including opportunities
- Law School Admission Council:
- Council on Legal Education Fund:
Students can apply for a summer program post graduation
that will help them increase their chances of getting accepted
into law school. In addition, there is a seminar on achieving
success in the application process.