Region: Long Island
Program Institution: SUC at Old Westbury
College/University: SUC at Old Westbury
Major/Minor: B.S. Biochemistry
Graduation Date: 2008
Advanced Degrees/Professional Licenses:
M.A. Secondary Science Education (Chemistry)
Work History
Employer: Long Island School Districts
Significant Professional or Academic Accomplishments:
Brian Smith graduated in May 2008 from SUNY College at Old
Westbury with a B.S. Biochemistry. Interested in teaching,
he acquired NY State certification in secondary science education
the following year. In 2010, he earned an M.A. in (secondary
science education (chemistry). Brian has peer tutored CSTEP
students in biology at Old Westbury and has been a CSTEP mentor
for the Old Westbury STEP Saturday program as well. More recently,
he has taught science in the STEP Saturday program and has
been a substitute teacher in various Long Island school districts.