Region: Mid Hudson
Program Institution: SUNY New Paltz
College/University: SUNY New Paltz
Major/Minor: B.S. Chemistry
Graduation Date: 2010
Graduate School/University: University
of Warwick, UK
Advanced Degrees/Professional Licenses:
Ph.D. Program
Work History
Employer: University of Warwick, Chemical
Biology Department
Significant Professional or Academic Accomplishments:
Maria Rodolis graduated from SUNY New Paltz with a B.S. in
Chemistry in May 2010. Maria’s first research experience
was in summer 2008 working on “Synthesis and Testing
of Antimicrobial Activity of Monobactams” as part
of the AMP/CSTEP Summer Research Program. She continued working
with her mentor, Dr. PreetiDhar (Chemistry), until graduation
and her research evolved to “Synthesis of Monocyclic
and Bicyclic Lactams”. She presented this research
several times including the 2009 Annual Statewide CSTEP Student
Conference and the 2010 ACS National Conference in San Francisco.
During summer 2009 Maria worked at La Selva Biological Station
in Costa Rica on a project titled, “An Investigation
in the Vegetative Buds of TectariaLizarzburui at La Selva
Biological Station, Costa Rica” which she presented
as a poster at the 2009 LSAMP International Conference in
Florida and the 2010 AnnualStatewide CSTEP Student Conference
where she won 2nd place for her poster in her category. She
was the Keynote Speaker at the 2010 Mid-Hudson Regional C/STEP
Conference and at the 2010 Purchase STEP graduation ceremony.
She was inducted into Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society,
served as vice president and president, and received an Honorable
Upgrade in her senior year. Maria was active AMP/CSTEP participant
and received a book award every semester. She also received
two AMP/CSTEPOutstanding Scholar Awards and the SUNY Chancellor’s
Award for Student Excellence in 2010. After graduation Maria
participated in the MHIRT program on a molecular biology and
virology project at Centro de Biologia Molecular Severa Ochoa
in Madrid Spain. Maria was awarded the NSFGRFP and began her
PhD program at the University of Warwick in the UK in Fall
2010. Just before she started her doctoral program she returned
to SUNY New Paltz to present to current program students about
travel and research abroad, both passions she has been able
to explore and merge in her life. She is currently working
in the Chemical Biology Department at the University of Warwick
and responsible for the chemistry laboratory including two
undergraduate project students.