Region: Capital
Program Institution: Union College
High School: Schenectady High School
Graduation Date: 2010
College/University: Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT)
Major/Minor: B.S. Biological Engineering
Graduation Date: 2014
Significant Professional or Academic Accomplishments:
Nathan Kipniss was an active participant in the Union College
STEP Program from 7th – 12th grade, he was a member
of our Science Bowl team, he presented three different years
at the STEP Statewide Conference, participated in our summer
research program every summer, and interned as a research
assistant his senior year of the STEP Program. He graduated
valedictorian of his Schenectady High School class in 2010.
He is currently a sophomore at MIT studying Biological Engineering.
As a STEP student, Nathan also volunteered in numerous service
activities sponsored by our STEP Program, including park clean
up and restoration, and U-CARE Day. This past summer, Nathan
was a part of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.