for Judges
CSTEP is an academic enrichment program designed to
foster students’ success in preparing for professional
licensure or careers in the scientific, technical, or health-related
fields. The conference began in 1992 as a way to showcase the
research experiences of CSTEP students. Approximately 600 students
and staff attend the conference each year from the more than
50 CSTEP programs across the state of New York.
The Poster Competition is the centerpiece of the conference.
This competition acknowledges the individual students’
academic achievement, knowledge and acquired research and presentation
skills. The Poster Competition takes place on Saturday, April
13th. The competition has averaged just over 110 posters for
the last several conferences.
Selection: Judges must be nominated by a CSTEP staff
member. Judges will be selected based on their academic background
and experience in the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Human
Services, Technology, Physical Sciences or the Licensed Professions.
Priority will be given to faculty in the targeted fields, and
particularly those with prior experience in judging. Responsibilities:
Presenters will be divided topically into groups of up to
8 posters and judges will be assigned in pairs to each group.
Judging teams will be sent their group’s abstracts for
review prior to the conference. At The Sagamore, the judging
takes place during a 90-minute closed session Saturday morning.
Posters are judged based on a rubric provided to all presenters
and judges prior to the conference. All judges will
be expected to attend the judges meeting held at on Friday,
April 12 at 9:30p.m.
Remuneration: Judges are provided with two
(2) nights of accommodation, an honorarium of $200.00, and
meals. Unfortunately, the conference does not
cover room and meal expenses for any guest(s) you may choose
to bring. If you plan to bring along guests, we will provide
a guest registration form. The hotel will charge for guests
added to rooms and the conference will charge for guest meals.
Please note, any judge who is also a CSTEP staff member will
not receive an honorarium and will be responsible for their
conference registration fee. Judges who are not CSTEP staff
are not required to pay the registration fee.
Please submit the online Nomination Form using the link below.
We ask that nominations be made by CSTEP staff. CSTEP staff
wishing to serve as judges can self-nominate. Nominations must
include the category in which the judge would prefer to serve
(see list below). These preferences will be used to assign judges
to posters appropriate to their areas of expertise. Due
date is February 8, 2013. The selection notification
date will be in late February of 2013. When submitting
nominations online, please have the following information
ready for input:
Name of Nominated Judge |
Nominee Email Address |
Title of Nominee |
Nominator’s Name |
Institution of Nominee |
Nominator’s Institution |
Preferred Categories |
Nominator’s Email |
The poster categories are as follows:
Biochemistry |
Geology |
Nanotechnology |
Biology |
Health and Wellness |
Physics |
Cell Biology |
Human Services |
Psychology |
Chemistry |
Immunology |
Public Health |
Computer Science |
Materials Science |
Social Sciences |
Education |
Mathematics |
Technology |
Engineering |
Medicine |
Virology |
Environmental Science |
Microbiology |
Zoology |
Genetics |
Molecular Biology |
Please submit your Nomination Form
For questions, please email Sean Partridge,
Poster Committee Chair (
Deadline: Friday, February 08, 2012,
Selection notification will be in late February, 2013